Delays on housing project make for a short council meeting

The Jefferson city council meeting July 14 lasted only about 10 minutes as two public hearings and the accompanying resolutions were rescheduled to July 28.

Rescheduled were a public hearing on an amendment to the urban renewal plan and a public hearing on a development agreement with JCorp Inc, the developer working on the Water Tower subdivision in the northwest part of the city. City attorney Bob Schwarzkopf explained that JCorp had received the deed to the property later than expected and that the required review of the abstract had not yet been done.

That also delayed the council in holding the third reading of an ordinance adopting a planned unit development (PUD) zoning classification for Water Tower subdivision, consideration of the preliminary and final plat for Water Tower subdivision.

The council delayed approving replacing an existing 4-inch water line on Walnut St between Central Ave and W. Mahlon St, another part of the subdivision project. City administrator Mike Palmer explained to the county supervisors in an update July 13 that the city will pay for the water line because the existing line dates from the 1930s and needed replacement, even without the new housing project being built.

Water Tower subdivision will provide 44 rental units. Construction could begin yet this summer.

City engineer John Milligan briefed the council on the sanitary sewer project serving Wild Rose Jefferson. The casino opened for business on Monday with a bypass system that pumps wastewater from one manhole to another until it reaches an existing lift station. The new lift station need to serve Wild Rose/Cobblestone will be completed by Aug. 1, Milligan said. Scharnweber Construction, contractor for the sanitary sewer project, set up the bypass system.

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